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Showing posts from January, 2018

The wonders of Polymer80

I started building quite a few years ago mainly because I love creating things that I want - literally executing on a vision whether it be a 3d model or a firearm.  My latest is using the Lego blocks for adults to build a G17 clone using Polymer80 frames and Brownell's RMR cut Glock Gen 3 slide.  Can't wait to try it out at the range!

Rattle Can - HK 416

Rainy Saturday so I decided to paint my HK416 using Krylon Ultra Flat Camo paints.  I used to Duracoat and Cerakote everything the color I wanted but I decided that that was overkill.  All you really need is just a rattle can.  The Duracoat/Cerakote finish is durable but what I don't like is the process where some of the "painters" for Cerakote remove your anodizing so it "sticks" better.  The anodizing is for hardness and protection. Cerakote doesn't have the same hardness - SO STOP CERAKOTING everything and allowing these guys to strip off your protective finish.  Simply spray over it if anything - that what I do when I apply it at home. What else are you supposed to do on a rainy day weekend?

Glock 17 Gen 4 and Glock 19 Gen 3

Saying goodbye to 2 of my many Glocks.  I have way too many and not enough time to use them all so I might as well sell them. For the New Year, if I'm not using it, time to get rid of it.